
Transfusion essay September 2007 Transfusion essay October 2010 Transfusion essay March 2011


Welcome to the ihaematology wiki


We are going to have another attempt to get people to try and use the ihaematology wiki - we would be really grateful if you would be willing to put in a little time to improve this part of the site.  In particular I would like to get a good set of answers for the part 1 essay questions working... so if you are studying for the exam or you've finished the exam and have 5 minutes spare for altruism then please post it on this part of the site (if you're feeling shy and want to put the answer up anonymously then just email it to me - and I'll put it up for you or you can make an anonymous profile).


The idea is for people to use this space to create new pages that might be helpful to others - we will try and keep the site tidy but the rest is over to you.  In order to edit this site you have to create a PBworks ID, which will take you about 30 seconds.





Past exam questions - this project aims to create a number of model essay answers for previous part 1 exam questions.


People looking for study partners  


Exam tips and tactics


Useful links


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